Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Where to find coupons
Just type in what you are looking for, and if there are coupons out there for it, they will probably come up.
Not every coupon is there, because people enter them so some might get missed. I usually find what I want, though!
New Budget! Plus Safeway and Walmart

Monday, September 28, 2009
The best deals at Albertsons this week...
Propel .47 (no coupon, but really good price if you like it)
Wonder bread $1.67
use the .55 off from the 8/30 coupons
or .55 off from
Totino's pizza rolls $1.00
use the .35 off coupon from the 9/13 paper
General Mills Promotion- Save $3 when you buy 4 items:
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks - $2.50
use .40 off from
or .50/2 or .40 off from 9/13 coupons
Fiber One Bars $2.50
use .40 off from 9/13 coupons
General Mills Cereal $2.50
use $1/3 from 9/13 coupons
Nature Valley Granola Bars $2.50
use .40/1 from 9/13 coupons
there is also .55 off Trix and .40 off Nature Valley here
If you buy 4, each tem will be $1.75 minus whatever coupons you have.
Nabisco/Planters Promo. Also save $3 when you buy 4 items (minus .75 a piece):
Crackerfuls $2.50
$1 off from 7/12 coupons
or Free Crackerfuls when you buy Ritz from 8/23 coupons
Ritz Crackers $2.50
.75/2 from 8/23 coupons
Wheat Thins $2.50
.75/2 from 8/23 coupons
or $1 off here
Triscuits $2.50
.75/2 from 8/23 coupons
Planters Peanuts $2.50
These are the best deals. You can see ALL of the deals at Pinching your Pennies here
Super Cheap Artisan Bread at Safeway
You have to do it with a $10 purchase (the $10 is before coupons though, so you can still spend very little)
Also, I figured out how to hyperlink!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
How to shop at Walgreens and what I bought today:

A few quick notes....or long ones

And then today. Oh Sunday. Everyone I know loves football season, but Sundays in the fall happen to be the bane of my existance. The good tv? taken. The computer? taken. So luckily I have my new hobby, and I also get a lot of books read.
So today, I went to Albertsons and Walgreens. The deals I did at Albertsons are good until Tuesday, and Walgreens is good until next Saturday.
First I bought 2 MORE boxes of Special K crackers (which I'm sure I will take to my mom later), I used 2 more Special K coupons (I generally cheat when there is a coupon I want - I go print them at my dad's shop where there are three computers, plus mine, so I can get lots of copies)
1 box of Rice Krispies (I used a free coupon from the mail)
5 boxes of Keebler cookies ($1 off of each using the link below)
I also had a coupon for free milk when you buy 2 Keebler cookies
It was $1.84
2nd at Albertsons:Friday, September 25, 2009
Safeway $10.30

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fred Meyer and Walmart $4.62

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Shopping I will do this week....
Safeway is having a buy one get one free sale on cleaning products, so I will be gathering my coupons and will go next Tuesday probably because thats when my weekly budget will reset! (more on that later....) Glade refills are part of it and I need some so I will for sure grab some of those.
Albertsons has double coupons all week (they are in the weekly ad. You can use three at a time and double up to a dollar per coupon. Lots of free stuff!) This is how I got the soup. They also have progresso vegetable soup for $1. I might get some but soup should be on really good sale for the next couple of months. Also, I am going to get some stuff from the promotion this week. Buy 10 keebler or kelloggs items and save
$10, so they are $1.50 a piece. It includes Special K crackers, Nutri Grain bars, Keebler cookies and crackers and various cereal. Here are some links for coupons:
$1 off Special K crackers (my mom's favorite)
Nutri Grain bars, Cinnabon bars and Keebler crackers:
and of course the cookie link......
A coupon for Juli
Safeway and Albertsons $2.16

At Safeway I bought
1 Warm Delights - $1.76 but I had a .50 coupon and $2.00 in e-coupons came off
2 Bisquick biscuits (the right kind this time!) $4.58 I had a $1.00 coupons and $2.00 in e-coupons came off
2 Ultimate brownie mix $4.00 I had a .75 coupon and 1.50 in e-coupons came off
It was $1.62 (all the coupons I used were from
At Albertsons I bought
1 2 Liter of pop $1
1 bag of popsicles for my sore throat $1.76
1 gallon of milk $1.99
4 Soup at hand $4.00 with 2 $1.00 coupons and two double coupons, so free
1 Healthy Choice meal $2.00 with a $2.00 off coupon from
8 pack of Soap for Randy....apparently the pomagranite body wash was doing nothing for him. Anyway, it was on clearance for $3.76
I used $8.00 in Albertson's catalinas (store coupons) and paid $.54
On another note if you shop at Safeway, you should definately be using e-coupons because you can use them with a paper coupon together, and also because if you have more than one on there for the same thing, they all work, so you can get free stuff!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Safeway Trip $5.66

Monday, September 21, 2009
My first shopping post

Heather's history of couponing
This is how it all started.....
Last April, I was laid up for a week in bed (actually the couch to be accurate - I wasn't exactly in a desireable postion to be wanted by others). I completely ran out of things to do on the internet, and had exhausted the DVR and somehow I came across a couponing blog. It wasn't a very good one, but it had a link to one of the blogs that is now one of my favorites ( . She only spends $800 a year on groceries. And pet food. And eating out. And toiletries. My mind was completely blown. Anyone who knows me knows I am one of the cheapest biatches you will ever meet and $800 might have lasted me 2 months. I used to always shop at Grocery Outlet (or as Randy lovingly called it, expired food store) and only went to the grocery store for produce, meat and dairy.
Now I had all of this crazy coupon stuff to read about. And I did....for days. I didn't have much else going on!!
So I started, and haven't looked back....I have saved a bundle and the real miracle of it is that I have enough food on hand here to last weeks. Before I could barely stock enough for a few days.
I have read the coupon blogs diligently over the past few months, and I have to tell you. There are some major differences between me and the other nice ladies who write coupon blogs. I am nat a stay at home mom. I neither stay home, or am a mom. So, I work my full time job (9 months a year) and get the good deals after work and on the weekends.
Since I do have a full time job, I won't be posting things that are interesting to everyone, probably just the really good stuff. Or the stuff that is interesting to me. I know, narcissism. But whatever.